Friday, November 4, 2011

Save Electricity - Buy the Right Refrigerator

Most consumers complain about the inordinate electricity bills that they have to pay because of their refrigeration units at home. Since electricity is pricey and a fridge must be always on, it is imperative that you should go for those brands that are authentic and gives you a certify of reduced electricity bills.

Before you go out there and buy a new fridge hoping that the new unit will consume less electricity, it is vital to know few details. Most electricity units including, refrigerators have s label indicating the amount of electricity that it consumes in a given time. If this is certified from a reputed firm or a governmental organization, then they can be a good guide in selecting the most power sufficient cooling unit for your home.

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If the only speculate for exchanging or buying a new fridge is to cut down on your electricity bill at the end of the month, you can as well keep the existing model! It has been seen that the new models are not any better than the existing brand. There has been great amelioration in the science of cooling and the newer gadgets are far better than those of ten years back in regard to power efficiency. But still before making the actual purchase do correlate the power salvage ability of the new model with your existing model carefully. If there is only a minor distinction in the middle of the two then it is better to continue with your old model and save a lot of investment. You may as well wait fir few more years for something better.

There are few things that you should check in your existing model before you go out there for a new model. Check the gaskets for leaks and cracks, check the climatic characteristic in both the cabinets (that is, 38-40 f in the fridge and 5f in the deep freezer), ensure that the compressor and the coils surrounding it are clean and dust free and either you need to setup a tune-up to save some energy. Examining these few things can ensure that your fridge runs well for few more years as well as sell out your electricity bills.

It is important not to trust the power labels on electrical appliances blindly, along with fridges. It is important to also speculate exactly how much the appliance use power to function. There is a fabulous tool called 'kill a watt' meter that you can use to quantum the exact power consumption of the gadgets. These meters are very cheap and you can get them as low as . However using them you can save hundreds of dollars every month in your power bills. To quantum the exact form of electricity usage in a fridge you need about 3 days, because of the on and off cycles that continues in a fridge. You can get a perfect form of kilowatt hours per day (kwh/day).

Save Electricity - Buy the Right Refrigerator

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